Real Estate Entrepreneur | Coach | Author

Real Estate Game Changers Book Launch: An Unforgettable Event with Distinguished Guests

We are proud to have hosted a successful book launch event for the Real Estate Game Changers Book, featuring exclusive interviews with over 50 real estate CEOs across Asia. The event was graced by esteemed guests, including Chief Guest Shri. Krupal Tumane (Member of Parliament), Keynote Speaker Mr. Rajan Bandelkar (National President NAREDCO & Founder and MD Raunak Group), Guest of Honour Dr. Ananta Singh Raghuvanshi (Founder and President NAREDCO – Mahi), and Dr. Amol Mourya (Author of Real Estate Game Changers Book).

During the event, our guests shared valuable insights and experiences about the real estate industry, providing valuable knowledge for entrepreneurs in the field. We are delighted to announce that the book is now available for purchase on Amazon, providing readers with a wealth of information and strategies to succeed in the real estate market. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain exclusive knowledge from the game changers of the industry! 💼📈🏢

If you want to take your
Real Estate Business to the
"NEXT LEVEL" we can help


Benefits of
RGC Executive Coaching

RGC Executive program
is for you,
If you are facing problems like

Not having clarity of "How to start a Real Estate Business?
Not having a clear road map or an action plan for achieving your real estate goals
Not having desired skills and proper mindset to start or grow your business
Having resources but not having proper strategy & system
Not having a proper mentor or a coach to guide, support & accelerate your performance.

Become a Real Estate Game Changer
with RGC Executive Program

➤ RGC Executive Coaching is a program that guides you through a proven, structured strategy to improve your performance in real estate.

➤ RGC enables you to generate sustained growth and superior performance. Through the RGC one-to-one coaching process, people are empowered, gaining new insights & a new version for their life.

What can you learn from our program?

To build clear road maps
To build Easy to implement action plans
To acquire powerful habits
To acquire a strong review mechanism
Personal growth plan
Game Changers Mindset

If you are looking for a real estate training program that shows you how to work with Real estate leaders & real estate entrepreneurs, You have come to the right place. At Win-Win Training we provide you with a one-to-one coaching program that will simply take you through a complete process to become a real estate game-changer

Solutions we will provide you -

The USP of the RGC Executive Coaching Program is based on your exact problems, pain points, needs & desire.

We design individual-focused steps & action plans for your growth & success.

Our Program structure -

Coaching duration 2-3 months

6-8 Master classes will be

Are You -

Seeking the best real estate
coaching & training for
yourself or for real estate leaders in
your connection or organization.

Seeking for the best
mentor to guide, support &
accelerate yourperformance.

Get Quotation

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